Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant, Inc.
You can support the Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant by providing products, services, gifts for the Queen and Court, and other items with an in-kind value of $100 and above). Anyone who provides in-kind services to the Pageant gets a free ad in the Pageant Program Booklet, the size of ad is based on the amount of products or services given OR you can purchase an ad to be displayed on this website. You can also place an ad in our Pageant Program Booklet to bring attention to your business or company.
The Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant is a 501(c)3 status organization and all funds collected are used to sustain and maintain the Pageant, the club, and to send the newly crowned queen to the National Pageant. All such all fees collected are tax deductible. A receipt for payment and/or a W-9 form will be provided upon request.
Do you shop on-line at Amazon.Com?
For information about becoming an MCSAP supporter, place an ad in the Pageant Program Booklet or on this website, or in any other way, please contact René Green, Media, , 720-384-6249
You can easily donate a portion of your purchase price to the Ms.Colorado Senior America Pageant by logging in to Designated you want your donations to go to the Ms. Colorado Senior America Pageant. Then, whenever you shop, log on at and shop as usual. Our organization will get .05% of every purchase you make. Remember, we are a private non-profit organization and all monies used to support our organization is done through fundraising, showcase income, and member participation. Please help us to fund our yearly Pageant. Have fun - go Smile.Amazon shopping now!
Thank you to our TV Media Supporters:
Denver Channel 2
Denver Channel 31
Coming Soon - Your name can be here